The Green Party Provencher Riding Association was formed in Fall 2013 to support our Green candidate and provide Provencher Greens with year-round connection with the Green Party of Canada. We’re also here to promote political engagement in Provencher year-round, keeping the political conversation going. Find your voice, and join the conversation!
We’re led by a small Executive Committee, made up of the following:
- Blair Mahaffy – CEO
- Tim Kroeker – Financial Agent
- Eric Rempel – Communications Chair
- Janine Gibson – Fundraising Chair
If you’re interested in learning more about the Green Party Provencher Riding Association or the Green Party of Canada, or if you’d like to engage with the political process, please contact us.
Hi Carla,
Thank you for leaving your comment. These are all entirely valid observations and, as CEO of the Provencher Green Electoral District Association, it falls to me to address them. I am concerned about a number of issues that relate directly to yours; lack of volunteers, funds, supplies, and mostly time.
I assure you that none of the core group of Greens in Provencher have given up. Janine certainly hasn’t and I haven’t as well. We have, however, already exhausted our thin supply of signs and I am trying to get more right now.
I do hope you’ll bear with us and consider lending a hand to help us achieve some goals in terms of increasing Green exposure in Provencher. It certainly looks like we are heading to another minority government which means we may only have a couple of years to be prepared for the next election.
Best regards,
Blair Mahaffy
CEO Green Party of Provencher
(204) 226-7173
Hello. I had to go to the elections Canada website to find out if there was a green party candidate in my area. Disappointed that I have not seen 1 Green Party sign anywhere promoting Janine.
Are you giving up? Even her website needs updating. Only events are from 2019????
I like the Green Party platform, I have voted green for years. But this elections lack of promotion in this area is very sad.
I requested a lawn sign last election and didn’t get one. I have requested one again, but am doubtful I will receive one. There is not even a contact number that I can call.