Janine G. Gibson was raised and has lived in Provencher for most of her life, since ‘91 on a solar powered co-operative farm south of Steinbach. Living and working with nature, has nourished her responsibility to protect health thru protecting soil, water, and community health. This dedication inspired her support for the Green Party of Canada as a candidate.
Janine is a life-long learner as student and teacher with the International Organic Inspectors Assoc., where she currently serves as a peer evaluator, trainer and International VP. Her contracts include Verification Officer, seminars on resilient organic methods and teaching organic crop and livestock production at Assiniboine Community College. She has studied Psychology at the U of Wpg and Human Ecology at the U of MB, where she has also been a guest lecturer.
Helping to build organic agriculture in Manitoba through her business Creative Health Consulting, her community service includes national president of Canadian Organic Growers (COG) currently serving as the Executive Secretary, founding member of COG’s local chapter, the Organic Food Council of Manitoba and past president of the Manitoba Organic Alliance. She represents Manitoba on the Organic Federation of Canada and on the Organic Standards Technical Committee, with her standard writing expertise and knowledge of prairie ecosystems. A proud mother of adult children, Arel (Troy) and Andrew (Molly), and grandmother to Saige (Quinn), her emphasis on sustainable agriculture reflects Vision Green addressing many of the social, environmental, and economic challenges currently faced in Provencher.