The Green Party Provencher Candidate Search

UPDATE: The nomination has closed, and the nomination meeting (where you can choose between the two candidates) is scheduled for January 31st. Check out the nominees here.

The Green Party of Canada is seeking a politically principled, ecologically conscious, and passionately engaged person to represent the Green Party as the candidate for the electoral district of Provencher! Nominations are now open, but will close at 11:59pm on December 16th. If you, or someone you know, is interested in being the candidate for Provencher, contact us for more information.

We’re having an event on December 6th, which is the perfect opportunity to learn more about becoming a candidate!

When: Saturday, December 6th, 7:00pm
Address: 484 Hanover Street, Steinbach
Directions: Turn East off Main street at the Fire Hall, then left at Hanover
Agenda: Start the nomination race. If you’re interested in running for the Green Party, come on out and let us know! Hear from those who are seeking the nomination, and work together on a plan for a membership drive leading up to the election.

Come on out to meet the Green Party Provencher Riding Association executive and some potential candidates, and learn how you can help!

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