Q&A with Janine: Pembina Valley Pride


Hello Kathryn,
Thank you for your activism in regards to the Human Rights issues you present,

  1.  I currently show support as a Green to the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community by walking as a Green in the Steinbach Pride parade, and responding to questions on this topic in the framework of basic human rights.
  2. All Greens and myself view members of the the 2SLGBTQIANB+ as being valuable, contributing members of  community, that deserve a voice and protection as all humans do.
  3. I will continue to support and engage the 2SLGBTQIANB+ even though it is very unlikely I will be elected, a strong Green voice in Provencher sends an important message to the dominant parties and cultures. I was very active in supporting GAy marriage by attending the Steinbach Senators hearing and speaking in support despite the hundreds of Protect the Tradional family supporters the +conservative encouraged to attend. In support of 2SSLBTQIANB+ were myself and 3 volunteers from the Rainbow resource Centre from WPG.
  4. Creating coalitions means I would always contact local members of the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community and local 2SLGBTQIANB+ organizations before voting or making decisions that directly affect the rainbow community?
    1. To protect 2SLGBTQIANB+ individuals from discrimination and abuse I would improve education through our school and health systems so pronouns of preference are used to show respect. Research shows this respect is key in preventing self harm and suicides. I spent many years lobbying for sexual orientation inclusion in the Manitoba Charter of Human Rights.
    2. To protect 2SLGBTQIANB+ youth from discrimination and abuse I will encourage funding for centres such as yours. This would include dialoges with local religious communities that build understanding of how respect for diversity ensures them respect for their religious beliefs too. Much education is needed to open minds and support diversity in all its manifestations, Improving community mental health supports and providing a guaranteed annual income also will support the mental health of all by removing the stress of poverty which impacts many in our community, negatively.
  5. Our party would bring forward a ban on conversion therapy, modelled on Bill C-6 . I would vote to end the practice of conversion therapy in all it’s forms, as it is a form of abuse.
  6. Please invite me to attend the Pembina Valley Pride events, the Rally and March,  which I would be happy to attend in some capacity (be it in person, via video message, or via written message) in 2022 and beyond.
  7. My main message for the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community is that your rights are human rights! I have dedicated my life to working as an activist for respect of ALL life, ecojustice and social justice. Extractive capitalism must evolve and we will create green jobs to help do so!

                                                KEEP UP YOUR IMPORTANT WORK FOR EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS!
Think Green Vote Janine!
Kind regards,


I am contacting you today on behalf of Pembina Valley Pride, an organization that seeks to create and provide education, support, resources, community, and pride centering around 2SLGBTQIANB+ experiences in the many communities of the Pembina Valley. 

For many in our community, the decisions made by politicians have a direct impact on our lives, families and the way we feel included in our community. We have put together this set of questions (below) that we are sending to all candidates in ridings that include communities we serve. We hope to use your answers to help inform our community where each candidate stands on issues we feel are important to the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community.

Please note, we reserve the right to censor words or phrases that are offensive to our community. We also reserve the right to not publish your responses if we feel they will have a harmful impact on our community. Our number one priority is the safety and security of our 2SLGBTQIANB+ siblings.

We hope to publish the responses by September 15 if not sooner, so your timely response is appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kathryn Basso
Acting Vice Chair, Pembina Valley Pride

  1. How do you currently show support to the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community?
  2. Do you view members of the the 2SLGBTQIANB+ as being valuable, contributing members of your community, that deserve a voice and protection?
  3. How do you plan to support and engage the 2SLGBTQIANB+ if elected?
  4. Will you contact local members of the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community and local 2SLGBTQIANB+ organizations before voting or making decisions that directly affect the rainbow community?
  5. Two part question:
    1. What will you do to protect 2SLGBTQIANB+ individuals from discrimination and abuse?
    2. What will you do to protect 2SLGBTQIANB+ youth from discrimination and abuse?
  6. What, specifically, will your party do to bring forward a ban of conversion therapy, now that Bill C-6 has died with the election call? Will you vote to end the practice of conversion therapy in all it’s forms?
  7. Will you commit to attending Pembina Valley Pride events, specifically the main Rally and March, in some capacity (be it in person, via video message, or via written message) in 2022 and beyond?
  8. Do you have any messages for the 2SLGBTQIANB+ community?

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