Two posts on my Facebook timeline, one scroll apart, show just how bizarre the political economics of oil are these days. In one post, a PC MPP from Ontario brags about how the Ontario government has lowered gas prices. The…
The Tech Doesn’t Work (Denial Myth 1)
“The Tech doesn’t work” is a common mantra of the climate change skeptics. The argument is that renewable technology can’t solve all of our energy needs. It follows, they say, that we have no easy solutions, so we should continue…
Personal Solar Panel Experience
Originally published Dec 6, 2018 at the South Eastman Transition Initiative One year ago, when my solar panels came on line, I expected to produce about 7 Megawatts of power annually based on advertised averages and assumptions. My personal…
Choosing Regeneration over More Destruction…
Originally from May 30, 2018 As the Trans Mountain Pipeline controversy peaks and threats fly- Canadians wonder where this is all going to go! I am not afraid here to pick sides. First Nations, Environmental Groups and the BC…
Why I Won’t Stop Shopping at the Thrift Store
by Wade Weibe Originally published on the South Eastman Transition Initiative website There’s no question that shopping at the thrift store saves me money. A lot of money. Considering that the average Canadian household spends over $3300 a year on…
What- Over Development?
This article originally appeared on the South Eastman Transition Initiative website. by Eric Rempel We have all used the term under-developed nations or under-developed regions. We may not have a definition at our fingertips, but we know what we mean…
Distracted Driving on a Planetary Scale
Originally published by the South Eastman Transition Initiative as “When It Comes to Sustainability, We’re a Society of Distracted Drivers” A recent essay by Richard Heinberg of the Post Carbon Institute intrigued me. He drew a metaphor between distracted driving and…
Dealing with Fear
There has been a lot of bad news in the media in the last few weeks. Political turmoil, refugee crises, and some very dire climate warnings. It is not surprising then that people will have trouble dealing with fear. Unfortunately…
Listening to Each Other
Anyone who’s spent any time following political posts on social media will know just how little time people actually spend listening to each other. Most comments are statements of position. Many simply repeat political dogma whether from the left or…
Green Influencer: Dr. Martin Entz
Yesterday’s post on Working Together explored some of the importance, more than ever, of finding ways to work together. Learning from one another, sharing knowledge, collaborating on research moves us all forward in positive and tangible ways. As the article…